Now I don't want to complain, because a lot of guys my age don't have a job for the summer, but my second job started this week and made it difficult to get the quality I wanted in. Not a huge deal but I was pretty comatose for a few days while I adjusted. Also, the Jackalope Uniform made its debut- Geoff wore it to win the Merrimack Sparkler 5k for the 2nd year in a row (sissy still hasn't gotten my course record, though :p).
Anyway, here's the log-
Monday- AM- forgot work started today, slept too late to run. Fortunately, my second job is a daycare less than 440y from my house, so I made it in on time- barely.
PM- Measured my "ten-miler" and found out it was 10.2 (turns out a lot of my old high school loops are a little off, but off in the good way as opposed to being short). 4 miles warmup, 4.2 mile tempo (22:30, about 5:20 pace), didn't feel hard but my legs were working overtime to power through the thick, muddy trail I was running on. 2 miles down, averaged 6 flats for the entire run.
Tuesday- 7:15AM- 4 easy (29min), barely had enough time- rolled out of bed and ran, didn't fully wake up til 3 miles in. Worked from 8-1 at the daycare (and let me tell you, those rambunctious little kids did not let me rest all that much) then stopped at home for a sandwich, then worked 1:30-6:30 at the lake (inspecting boats for milfoil, if I haven't mentioned that before), then ran a very sluggish, lazy 10 in 69:42 before doing a good set of 6x150 on the grass.
Wednesday- AM- Got the morning off! Ran an easy 5 with my friend Beth, 41:23- she's come a long way from last summer, when she couldn't hold a conversation at 10min pace. PM- 10 easy, barefoot on the grass at Hood Field, 66:37, felt pretty good between the 11 hrs of sleep the night before and the regeneration run.
Thursday- 11AM- 13 easy, 1:30:40, hilly course- first 5 with my brother. I was headed into Boston in the evening to help Eric celebrate his 21st birthday and just got it all out of the way.
Friday- AM- 6 easy, most with Eric, some with Eric's girlfriend. The birthday boy made it through ok- though both of us would have been content without Emily pushing the pace :p PM- 7 easy back at home, ate a huge dinner 30min before and ran after dark, 49:05. Felt pretty badass doing my 9x10 sec hill sprints in the pitch black afterward.
Saturday- AM- 3 easy in the morning before some family 4th of July stuff most of the day. PM- 12 miles moderate, wasn't planning on doing anything much but ended up with a pretty decent fartlek- 23min warmup (passing 3mi in 20:40) then a 2-mile uphill push in 11:23, then jog to the 7mi mark (45, roughly) then a mile of surge the uphills/easy downhills (51:31 at 8) then a 2.5 mile push (13:43, going 5:43 then 8flat for 1.5) then 1.5 jog in for a total time of 1:14:23 (6:12 avg pace, last 10 in 60 flat).
Sunday- 3pm- Hood Field, 2mi warmup (12:26) 4xmile at medium effort (5:06avg) with 800 jog for 6mi in 33:39, then 2mi c/d in 13:30 for 10 total in 59:35. Felt pretty tired but I wasn't trying to bust balls today either. Also, in addition to some merciless winds, the grass is about ankle-deep right now and for once I wasn't running barefoot, but whatever. The important part is that I got it in. 9pm- 4 miles easy, 27 min. Felt pretty good, but still stuffed from dinner.
Tot- 94 miles with a good tempo, a pair of back to back solid fartleks, and a session of hill sprints. All in all a good solid week of work. After sleeping in Wednesday and having that nice regeneration run, I felt pretty good- right now I'm not that tired but I've got to force myself to go to bed soon so I can wake up and run before work. We're taking our troupe of clowns to a Fishercats game tomorrow-- which will be exhausting, I'm sure. However, if I can repeat this kind of volume/quality for another six or seven weeks, I'll be well-pleased.
Also, if you've got the extra time (and, if you're reading some scrub third-tier miler's blog, let's face it, you've got the time) check this out:
It's none other than a year of Mr. Bill Rodgers' training log. Very interesting- though I wish he had written down the elapsed time for his runs more. Thanks to Bob Hodge for transcribing it! I'm sure there's stuff I forgot to say that I meant to, but oh well- I can always do a mid-week update.
Have a good week, readers!
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